Sunday 30 August 2009

Summer review

So I've been in Margate now since June. As usual, I didn't get as much done as I wanted. It wasn't entierly my fault. My laptop is getting sluggish, I only just got my new computer working good enough but my desk chair is so uncomfortable I get back aches after just an hour! Ah well, if I did have a working computer I'd have probably wasted the whole summer watching anime anyway.
Stuff I have done- Well I've figured out a lot of the plot and characters for my fantasy book and even drawn a map. But I haven't got to the point where I've been influenced to actually write something down. I don't know how it's going to begin either, or what's going to happen the first 100 or so pages. This is a problem since I want to work on this novel for my dissertation, and part of the assessment is the first chapter! Oh but uni doesn't start for a month so I guess it doesn't matter that much.
I've been writing down random stuff for my other book too, the one about a couple of teenage boys who are in love (with each other). Just random scribbles whenever I felt inspired or something came to me. Why can't I do that with my fantasy book yet? Maybe because it's not developed enough yet. I've been working on 'Distance' (the boy love book) for years now, even though I haven't gotten very far with it, and the fantasy for only a few months.
Also, I've been reading Russel T. Davis' book 'The Writer's Tale.' Weighs like a fricking brick but a great book. I can't stop reading it! I was halfway through 'The Amber Spyglass' too! It makes me feel so much better about a lot of things. I always picture 'professional' writers as working non stop every single day, unlike me. Mr Davis is given months to write scripts but he puts them off until after the deadlines! But in that panic, he writes some of the best tv scripts of the past few years! He also mentioned that he looks at other writer's works and thinks 'my career is nowhere near as good as it should be.' I sorta feel like punching him for that. He writes Doctor Who!! There are hundreds of writers in the country who would die to do that! He is the man I want to become, but he still feels inadequate to others. Maybe no matter how famous, rich or sucessful people become, they still feel inferior to someone.
P.S. Ignore all the horific spelling mistakes in this post!

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